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Monday, 4th September | MC 10: Two-dimensional excitonic insulators I Chair: Elisa Molinari (room: 26.1.5) |
15:15 | Massimo Rontani Overview |
15:30 | David Cobden (invited talk) Peculiar behavior in two-dimensional semimetals such as WTe2 |
16:00 | Daniele Varsano Theory of the excitonic insulator phase in monolayer WTe2 |
16:15 | Michael S. Fuhrer Origin of spatial modulations of the local density of states in WTe2 |
16:30 | Claudia Cardoso Anomalous plasmon dispersion in topological semimetals |
16:45 | Andrea Blason Exciton topology and condensation in a model quantum spin Hall insulator |
17:00 | François Dubin From Mott insulators to checkerboard solids with dipolar excitons |
17:15 | Sara Conti Chester supersolid of excitons in semiconductor heterostructures |
17:30 | Igor Bondarev Magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystallization of charged interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures |
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17:45 | Happy Hour and Poster Session poster room |
| Giacomo Sesti Excitonic insulator phase in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes |
| Alperen Tugen Optical detection of excitonic insulators in van der Waals heterobilayers: Progress and future prospects |
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Tuesday, 5th September | MC 10: Two-dimensional excitonic insulators II Chair: Hope Bretscher (room: 26.1.5) |
10:45 | Philip Kim Transport signature of magnetoexciton insulating state in electron-hole graphene double-layers |
11:00 | Filippo Pascucci Josephson effect and superfluidity in exciton heterobilayers |
11:15 | Fredrik Nilsson Ab initio predictions of new exciton insulators |
11:30 | Youngwook Kim Quantum Hall superfluid in twisted bilayer/double bilayer graphene |
11:45 | Peter Littlewood Non reciprocal phase transitions in polaritonic systems |
12:00 | Matteo D’Alessio Excitons in bilayer WTe2 |
12:15 | Friedhelm Bechstedt Can Xenes be excitonic insulators? |
12:30 | Miki Bonacci Possible excitonic instability in AsCuLi2 |
12:45 | Yuanchang Li Materials Design of Magnetic and Topological Excitonic Insulators from First-principles |
13:00 | Huaiyuan Yang Spin-Triplet Topological Excitonic Insulators in Two-dimensional Materials |
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| MC 10: Two-dimensional excitonic insulators III Chair: Massimo Rontani (room: 26.1.5) |
15:15 | Girsh Blumberg Is Ta2NiSe5 a true excitonic insulator? |
15:30 | Denis Golez Symmetries and collective mode in excitonic insulators |
15:45 | Satoshi Ejima Order, criticality, and excitations in the extended Falicov-Kimball model: A case study for the strong excitonic insulator candidate Ta2NiSe5 |
16:00 | Banhi Chatterjee Ground state symmetries and collective modes in Ta2NiSe5 – an excitonic insulator candidate |
16:15 | Yuelin Shao Electrical Breakdown of Excitonic Insulators |
16:30 | Giacomo Sesti Excitonic vs Mott insulator in carbon nanotubes: A proposed experimental test |
16:45 | Giacomo Mazza Hidden excitonic quantum states with broken time reversal symmetry |
17:00 (45 minuts) | Discussion Session I —- Moderator: Philip Kim |
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19:30 | Minicolloquium Dinner: Trattoria Bertamè —- Via Francesco Lomonaco, 13b, 20131 Milano MI, Italia |
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Wednesday, 6th September | MC 10: Two-dimensional excitonic insulators IV Chair: Elisa Molinari (room: 26.1.5) |
15:15 | Abstract Withdrawn |
15:30 | Lorenzo Del Re Correlated phases in AB-stacked twisted TMD bilayers |
15:45 | Sufei Shi Excitonic insulator in a Bilayer WSe2/monolayer WS2 moiré superlattice |
16:00 | Ivan Amelio Polaron spectroscopy of a bilayer excitonic insulator |
16:15 | Adriano Amaricci Strongly correlated exciton-polarons in twisted homobilayer of transition metal dichalcogenides |
16:30 | Fulvio Paleari Bulk MoS2 under pressure as an excitonic insulator |
16:45 | Benjamin Remez Theory of Disordered Excitonic Insulators |
17:00 (45 minuts) | Discussion Session II |
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